Hello, everybody,
a colleague had the task of displaying a PDF from a customer which is available in the database with a click as a preview into a region.Without additional cost of plugins or tools much it relatively difficult.
After my work I thought about how to solve this problem.
After about 2 hours reading various posts and documentations I came to a simple solution.
I want to share it with you and show you how easy it is.
!!!! Rendering a PDF in a region works best in google Chrome, Firefox offers a link!As in all my other blogs I will give step by step instructions.
1. Integrate downloaded files into the application.
- The package thdeveloputilpkg can be imported via SQL Workshop > SQL Commander.
- Integrate the JS file pdfobject.js as Static Applicationfile Shared Components > Staticfilies
- Add it on your Page where your want to show your PDF in a Region
2. Create a separate page (Normal) for the preview display.
- Everyone should be familiar with creating a page. This page contains a region with a hidden item that receives the ID of the PDF.
- Erstellen eines Prozess Before Header.
- here you best use the package from me, you can download it under thdevelop_util_pkg.
- In the package is a procedure get_preview, which is needed to pass the PDF (blob file) from the database to the application.
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get_preview(pi_pdf_id_column in varchar2, pi_filename_column in varchar2, pi_bolb_column in varchar2, pi_tablename in varchar2, pi_pdf_id in number );
3. Go to the page where the PDF should be displayed in a region.
- Create a new region from the
- Type: Static Content
- Add a Static ID.
- You can define the size of the region under Custom Attributes e.g. STYLE="height:1000px"
- Recap
Type: Static Content
Static ID: e.g. pdf_region
Custom Attributes: STYLE="height:1000px"
- Embedding magic.
Here there are 2 ways, the difference is that the PDF is to be displayed via Select List and the other via a report column.
- Display via select list
- Add a hidden item that receives a URL. e.g. P2PREVIEWURL
- On the select list ,this must have the ID of the PDF in the database as return value, you create a Dynamic Action (on Change)
- Action: SetValue
Set Type: PL/SQL Function Body
PL/SQL Function Body -
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return APEX_PAGE.GET_URL ( p_page => 3, -- Page step 2 p_items => 'P3_REPORTID', -- Hidden item step 2.1 p_values => :P2_BLOB ); -- select list where you make your dynamic action
- Affected Elements Selection Type: Item(s)
Item(s): Your hidden item to hold the URL e.g. P2PREVIEWURL - Action: SetValue
- Action: Execute JavaScriptCode
Code:1 2
var src = $v("P2_PREVIEW_URL"); // get the value of the item (the pre URL) PDFObject.embed(src, "#pdf_region"); // Render the pdf in the region
- Action: Execute JavaScriptCode
- Display per Report Column
- Creating a Dynamci Action
Name: ShowPDF
Event: Custom
CustomEvent: ShowPDF
Selection Type: JavaScript Expression
JavaScript Expression: document
TURE Action
Action: Execute JavaScript
Code Code:1
PDFObject.embed(this.data.url, "#pdf_region");
- Creating a Dynamci Action
- Create Region if there is no report yet, you have to create it
- The SQL statement of the report should look something like the example code.
- Display via select list
1 2 3 4 5 6 | select PDF_REGION.FILENAME as FILENAME , PDF_REGION.PK_ID as PK_ID , APEX_PAGE.GET_URL ( p_page => 3, p_items => 'P3_REPORTID', p_values => PDF_REGION.PK_ID ) as URL from PDF_REGION PDF_REGION |
The required link is already generated in the query. After the report has been created, select a column you want to use to display the PDF in the region created for it with one click.
- Type: Link
- Target Type: URL
- URL :
1 | javascript:apex.event.trigger(document, 'ShowPDF', [{url:'#URL#'}]);void(0); |
This Method i had Read by a Block Post of Tobias Arnorld
Explanation Javascript Code in URL
1 | javascript:apex.event.trigger(document, 'ShowPDF', [{url:'#URL#'}]);void(0); |
1 | javascript:apex.event.trigger(document, 'HereYourDynamicActionFunction', [{url:'#HereYourColumnThatContainsTheLink#'}]);void(0); |
please export and share your demo-page https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=9414 as sample
AntwortenLöschenHello BoneCracker,
AntwortenLöschenyou can download the application on https://bitbucket.org/THDevelop/
Thanks THDevelop. It is very useful article.
AntwortenLöschenThe PDF document shown within region always shows "f" at left top corner of PDF. Is that possible to customize?
hi Thirumalai,
Löschenthank you.
The f in the upper left corner is defined by the documentTitle.
you have two options
1. give you document a title.
2nd change the title by a dynamic action.
i would choice the first one its easier
Does it work on apex 19.1?