Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2017

APEX Rendering Button in Report Column

Hi everybody,
I would like to show you how you can render a button in a report. For what? For a project that Im work on, a customer wants to assign a quantity or a difference of a quantity to something with a simple click on a button. APEX 5.0.3 and a Tabform is used here.
(you can use it with Classic and Interaktive Report too).
In the APEX API Reference, there is no function under APEX_ITEMS that has a button rendering. For this I wrote a function in Oracle APEX style. With that i can render this button in a simple SQL statement. With the setting (Escape Special Character on no) you get the button in a table column.

         QTY           ASSIGNT_QTY                  SUPPLIER 1                   SUPPLIER 2

This was made by @commi235 and @Tim_Halbach

Pretty cool?

How it works.

Only you need my package with the funktion apex_item_button
(Download here on Github).

In the next part i will show you how you get it like the gif.